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Make health care accessible to all in a context of merger 

Following the merger between Apivia and Macif to create Apivia Macif Mutuelle, a mutualist group with more than a billion euros in turnover, it was necessary to find and define a purpose that would crystallize the commitment of the new entity in the fight against unequal access to care, to involve all managers in the merger project, and to implement it in the strategic roadmaps of the businesses. 

Did you know ? MACIF is the acronym for "Mutuelle d'assurance des traders et Industriels de France".


A new way of management driven by purpose rather than by sales/revenue.
Managers and employees recommitted to the merger and the corporate project 
Creation of a Purpose Observatory

Starting point

A poorly defined identity and values following the merger
​Managers with little involvement in the new entity and in the business project
Separate commitments before the merger, which create a lack of coherence in the strategy
Deployment of the purpose and its strategic implementation in each department
Emergence then appropriation of the raison d'être by the management
Vote and registration of the Purpose in the RCF statutes, then launch of a Purpose Committee
Creation and animation of the Observatory of Purpose

Support in 3 steps

Our work began with an awareness conference on the Purpose, which made it possible to generate a much more inspiring WHY. 

We then trained and accompanied the Executive committee to envisage the materialization of the purpose under concrete scenarios in order to deploy it in each of the company’ departments. For this, we also created a Purpose Observatory, which we support.
Creation and appropriation of the purpose by the company’s direction
Definition of the strategic application of the purpose in each department
Creation and support of the Purpose Observatory

Benefits for the company

Formulation of an inspiring and actionable purpose for all the company’s collaborators
An active Observatory of Purpose
A meaningful strategy in line with the purpose
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An Impact Report (Pride Revealers)
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