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Provide meaning to the profession of all employees by crystallizing the Purpose

In order to boost an organization in full transformation, the Board of Directors, after a sensibilisation conference conference, asked us to work with them in the definition of their Purpose, as the basis of BIL’s customer and employee experience, which would promote an optimistic vision about the future.

BIL offers retail, private, corporate and institutional banking, as well as treasury and financial market services. 


"In the end, what is a bank for? Much more than making money. A bank finances the economy. Helps people to become owners. A bank believes in people’s projects and gives them the means to accomplish them. BrainsWatt has pushed us to our boundaries to express what, deep down, drives us: enabling people - clients and employees alike - to see the future with optimism, because BIL will believe in them and remain at their side."

Hugues DELCOURT, former CEO of BIL


A much more inspiring purpose for employees and customers
Defined and shared corporate values
An approach implemented through an internal communication campaign 

Starting point

An uninviting customer and employee experience
A profession that has a poor reputation since the 2008 crisis, plagued by difficulties in attracting and retaining talent in the face of the “tech” giants, which result in more attractive to young people.
Interviews with members of the CODIR and several collaborators
Workshops to bring out the Purpose and align the strategies of the 12 directions
Preparation of the CEO for the announcement of the Purpose in front of 1,200 employees

Support in 3 steps

Our work departed with a series of interviews with the Management Committee and several employees. We then set up and led workshops to bring out a Purpose and align the strategies of the different departments.

We continued our support by preparing the CEO for the announcement of the Purpose in front of 1,200 employees.
Interviews with all members of the Executive Committee and many collaborators
Workshops to formulate the Purpose and align the strategy of all 12 directions
Support for the CEO to announce the purpose to its 120 collaborators

The benefits for the company

Formulation of an inspiring purpose
Defined and shared corporate values
An internal communication campaign that corresponds to the adopted strategy
Conférence BIL
An inspiring film that conveys the purpose of the company
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